Kasturba Medical College (KMC), Manipal was established in 1953 as the first self-financing medical college in the country. It celebrated its diamond jubilee in the year 2013. The College consistently ranks among the top ten medical colleges in the country. KMC, Manipal offers undergraduate, postgraduate, super speciality, integrated PhD and Fellowship programmes in various medical disciplines. Students from over 50 English speaking countries graduate from the college every year and its degrees are recognized worldwide.
Kasturba Medical College (KMC) Manipal has one of the finest learning environments in South Asia with infrastructure and faculty that support students to hone their skills to become outstanding medical professionals. KMC Manipal is recognized by the National Medical Council (NMC)/ the erstwhile Medical Council of India(MCI). The institute has strong linkages with national and international universities. Students from the UK, Ireland, USA, New Zealand, Kenya, The Netherlands and Malaysia are opting for their elective postings at KMC, Manipal. Students from KMC, Manipal are pursuing electives in several top universities in international countries.
• Recognized by the National Medical Commission of India
• National Institutional Ranking Framework, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India has ranked KMC, Manipal as the 10th best medical school in India in the year 2021.
• National Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) has accredited Manipal Academy of Higher Education of which KMC, Manipal is a constituent unit.
• Global Education in Medicine Exchange (GMC), and ECFMG initiative: It is a global partnership for exchange in Medical education that connects medical schools and students around the world.
• Partner with the medical school for visiting students’ application services (VSAS), an initiative of the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC)
• Only medical college in the country to be recognized by the American New York State education department (NYSED) which gives unrestricted allowance on the duration of clerkship / elective experience for KMC, Manipal students seeking long-term clinical clerkship placements in the state of NewYork.
• Certified for ISO 9001:2015 and EMS 14001:2015 standards
KMC, Manipal boasts of an entire block of air-conditioned classrooms ‘INTERACT’ which are fully equipped with Wi-Fi and a state-of-the-art audio-visual system along with a living video capturing system ‘IMPARTUS’. The attendance is captured through biometrics. Didactic lectures are recorded and posted for student reference. Micro-soft Teams based E-learning management portal assists students in accessing the class presentations, participating in online quizzes, submitting self-directed and case-based learning assignments and connecting with their teachers personally. Objective Structured Practical / Clinical Examination for assessment along with the use of Exam Pad (Paper Less) for written exams has been widely lauded by students.
The Museum of Anatomy and Pathology (MAP), at Manipal houses over 3000 well-preserved specimens of the human body from head to toe. A section on comparative anatomy houses the skeletons of various other animals, and carefully crafted models and charts augment the entire experience. The Pathology Museum, which displays diseased body parts and organs, has a popular section on life-style related diseases, and their impact on the human body.
KMC, Manipal Health Sciences Library is one of the largest libraries in Asia for an educational institution. It is spread over 1.5 lakh sq. meters spanning five levels and has the capacity to accommodate 1300 students at a time. The Health Science Library provides services like e-Learning, Reference Service, Current Awareness Service, Audio-Video Viewing, Internet Access Wi-Fi and DELNET Online and more. The library is centrally air-conditioned and well structured with separate book sections with open access for undergraduate and postgraduates.
Separate sections are maintained for the current periodicals, the back volumes and also for group studies around 68,000 books, and 43,000 bound volumes of journals. The library also has around 8,000 postgraduate theses and Ph. D dissertation titles for reference. The library subscribes to 10 online databases such as Up-to-date, ClinicalKey, Scopus, Web of Science, CINAHL Complete, Access Pediatrics, AdisInsight, Access Medicine, ClinicalKey, ClinicalKey Student, DynaMed Plus etc.
The library is fully automated with library software. The library aims to acquire Health Sciences Information and provide timely, accurate and current information and documents to its users for their teaching, research and academic achievements.
KMC, Manipal provides state-of-the-art facilities with playgrounds, an Indoor Stadium, outdoor courts as well as various sporting activities The outdoor sports facilities include two cricket grounds, a football ground, Hockey Ground, a Basketball court, and two volleyball courts.
There is a large open space for track and field that enables student-athletes to make full use of it to excel in field and track events. There is a sporting avenue for every student, irrespective of whether a student wishes to enhance his/her sports skills or take it as a stress buster to seek joy or fitness.
KMC, Manipal has well equipped air-conditioned laboratories for Anatomy, Physiology, Biochemistry and Pathology, among others to help the students develop psychomotor skills which are very essential for the effective practice of medicine.
These state-of-the-art labs provide excellent hands-on training to students. KMC also has an innovative, modern clinical skills lab where students are trained on various physical skills related to various organ systems, preparing them for real patient encounters. The Skills Lab imparts training to all students in basic and advanced life support skills.
Simulation Centre
The Medical Simulation Centre at Manipal Academy of Higher Education is a state-of-the-art training and research facility equipped with manikins (anatomical models of the human body, used in teaching the art of medicine and medical equipment).
The centre enables students to gain the experience and insights that are best learned in realistic conditions. These simulations focus on training medical students and health professionals about what to expect and more importantly, how to react.
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