Keerthi College of Nursing Bangalore

Keerthi College of Nursing Bangalore

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Keerthi College of Nursing Bangalore has Established In 1997 Initially in Gulbarga Karnataka. Later the college Shifted Campus to Bharath Campus In 2018.

Keerthi College of Nursing provides following degrees in Nursing stream Such as M.Sc, B.Sc, P.B.Bsc, & G.N.M. Keerthi Nursing College always concentrates in the Progress of studies with proper technical background to render the service to the Humaniy & Contributed the health prosperity. In Addition, The College management aims at an Integral training of students, forming them into itwine persons with relevant skills value & attitudes to develop the global health conditions. Keerthi College of Nursing has, extended the courses Paramedical for all the bright students.

Keerthi College of Nursing Facilities


Keerthi College provides a library consisting more than 10,000 volumes of books and adequate number of journals.

Class Rooms of Keerthi College of Nursing

All the class rooms of Keerthi College are well ventilated, spacious, and well-furnished

Clinical Facilities

Keerthi Nursing College provides clinical facilities in the top level hospitals of Bangalore.


The campus is well-equipped with laboratories including Anatomy, Nursing foundation, Nutrition, and Community Health Nursing lab.

Hostels of Keerthi College of Nursing

Separate hostel facilities are provided for Boys and Girls near to college campus. Keerthi College of Nursing have two Hostels ( 1 For Girls 1 For Boys ) located at Magadi Main Road, #125/1, “Ranga Arcade” 2 Phase, Bharath Nagar, Bangalore – 560 091.

Courses Offered in Kirthi College of Nursing

  • B.Sc Nursing
  • GNM
  • B.Sc Medical Laboratory
  • B.Sc Renal Dialysis
  • B.Sc Medical Imagining Technology
  • B.Sc Operation Theater Technology
  • D Pharmacy
  • D MLT
  • P.B.Sc Nursing
  • M.Sc Nursing

Keerthi College of Nursing FAQ

What is the Fee structure of Keerthi College of Nursing?

Fee structure of Keerthi College is published in the fee section of the webpage. Click here to see the fee structure of Keerthi College of Nursing karnataka.

Where is Keerthi College is located?

Keerthi College of Nursing is located in Bangalore.

Keerthi College of Nursing reviews?

It was one of the best experiance to study in keerthi Group Of Institutions, a memory to cherish for lifetime. My overall experience at keerthi college of nursing was full of learning and grooming. I am thankful to all the faculties, mentors and all departments for providing us with quality education.


Keerthi College of Nursing Fee structure 2022


MSc Nursing

MSc Nursing is a two year post graduate course in Nursing. As you know, nursing field always has a huge demand.
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