MSc Anaesthesia and Operation Theatre Technology is a two year paramedical master degree. It involves study of anaesthesia and Operation Theatre Management. Basically, students who completed B.Sc Anaesthesia and Operation Theatre Technology is preferred. Firstly, this course has both anaesthesia technology and operation theatre technology. Secondly, it is a job oriented programme. Hence, many students prefer to study this specific course in paramedical section.
It is easy to learn. Students can get better jobs. And job opportunities are also high. Anaesthesia is imperative in surgery, emergency wards and in ICUs. Students learns anaesthesia dosage, equipment, agents, patient- monitoring, and real- time operations.
Students needs additional skill such as communication skills, team working skills and active listening. If you have such skills. You will get placement easily.
Candidates must have a degree in B.Sc Anaesthesia and Operation Theatre Technology or equivalent paramedical course preferred by the University.
Initially, 2 to 10 LPA. After that, you might get above 10LPA.
Yes, you can easily get a job too.
Basically No. However, some universities do such a test. Most of Govt. Universities doesn’t conduct such a test.
We prefer Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences. However, you can
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